Friday, October 16, 2009

Japanese School Toilet Ghost

Hanako (ハナコ) 

Hanako San is a Japanese urban legend about the ghost of a young girl that’s supposed to haunt school toilets, opening and closing doors and scaring anyone who enters the bathroom, knocks on her stall, and calls her name.

Twenty years ago, when a wave of stories of ghost-sightings swept through the nation’s school yards, one tale in particular, “Hanako, the ghost in the toilet” almost achieved the status of a national phenomena.

Every child had a “Hanako” story to tell. The stories, of course, are many and varied but every schoolchild in Japan, at one time or another, has stood in dread and anticipation as he or she ventured into the school toilet alone.



Kashima Reiko (カシマレイコ)


Kashima Reiko, a female ghost without legs who also lives in school bathrooms. She calls out “Where are my legs?” when people enter the bathroom. If you answer wrongly you will get you leg twisted from your body.

The correct way to answer her varies. In one version:
You have to answered, "At Meishin Expressway". She will then continued asking,"Who told you that?". You have to answer, "Kashima Reiko told me that"
That way you will be saved.



Aoi Kami and Aka Kami

Aoi Kami or Aka Kami, a male ghost who waits in the last stall in the girls’ bathroom. Anyone entering the bathroom hears a voice asking, “Which do you prefer, the red paper or the blue paper?”. If they pick “red,” he kills them by slashing their back or neck repeatedly with a blade, to make them look like they’re wearing a red cape. If they pick “blue,” then they’re killed by hanging.

He’s known as Aka Manto (red cape) and Aoi Manto (blue cape), Aoi Hanten and Aka Hanten, Aka Kami (red paper) and Aoi Kami (Blue Paper)


There is also another similar version :

A lady heard a voice saying, "Do you want red paper or yellow paper." The lady replied "Yellow" and had filty stuff poured on to her. She went to a police station to make a report, the police lady stationed there thought it was the work of a psycho and decided to check on the toilet.

When the policewoman failed to return, her colleague went to the toilet to check on her, only to discovered that the woman was lying on a pool of blood - Dead.
Her answer was "Red".

In red paper, blue paper and white paper, depend on what you choose, you will get either a bloody hand, bluish hand or a wet pale white hand reaching out for you.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Menaruh Signature di Setiap Artikel

Jika anda perhatikan, disetiap akhir dari artikel yang saya buat terdapat sebuah tanda tangan digital saya seperti gambar dibawah ini :sign



Nah, kali ini saya akan mengajarkan bagaimana memasang signature seperti itu ^^


Langsung saja :

1. Buatlah sebuah digital signature di MyLiveSignature


2. Setelah selesai, download gambar signaturenya ke komputer anda


3. Upload gambar signature tadi di file hosting gambar, seperti Picasa,ImagesHack,dll


4. Copy URL gambar kamu


6. Masuk ke account blogger


7. Pilih Layout kemudian Edit HTML


8. Centang Expand Widget Templates


9. Cari kode <data:post.body/> dan masukkan kode berikut di bawahnya

<br/><br/><img src='urlgambarkamu.png'/>



Selamat mencoba ^^

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Membuat Title Blog Bergerak

Anda bisa membuat title blog anda bergerak seperti jika anda menggunakan tag HTML <marquee>. Caranya sebagai berikut :

1. Masuk ke account blogger anda

2. Pilih Layout kemudian Page Elements

3. Pilih Add Gadget dan pilih HTML/JavaScript

4. Masukkan kode dibawah ini :
<script type="text/javascript">
var msg = document.title;
msg = " " + msg + " ";
var speed = 5;
var pos = 0;
function movingTitle(){
document.title = msg.substr(pos) + msg.substr(0, pos);
if(pos == msg.length){pos = 0;}
setTimeout("movingTitle()", 1000/speed);

5. Save dan lihat perubahannya ^^

Catatan :
Anda bisa mengatur kecepatan gerakannya dengan mengubah nilai speed

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Mencegah Copy Paste Artikel Blog

Anda bisa mencegah orang lain mengcopy paste artikel – artikel yang anda buat di blog anda. Caranya adalah sebagai berikut :


1. Masuk ke Blogger –-> Layout –-> Edit HTML

2. Centang Expand Widget Template

3. Carilah kode berikut : <div class='post-body'>

4. Kemudian ganti menjadi kode berikut :

<div class='post-body' onmousedown='return false'
onselectstart='return false' oncopy='return false'>


5. Save dan lihat perubahannya di blog anda ^^




The Hacking :

Jika anda menemui sebuah blog yang ingin anda copy paste artikelnya, namun blog tersebut mencegahnya dengan menggunakan cara diatas, ada satu tips yang dapat anda lakukan agar bisa mengcopy artikel di blog tersebut. Cara ini merupakan kelemahan dari tips yang saya tulis diatas ^^


Caranya adalah dengan menyimpan seluruh halaman web page tersebut di harddisk anda, kemudian membukanya dengan beberapa software HTML, seperti Dreamweaver, Microsoft FrontPage, bahkan bisa juga dengan Microsoft Word!!Setelah itu anda dapat mengcopy paste artikel yang ada didalamnya


Untuk lebih jelasnya :

1. Buka halaman web yang ingin anda copy paste artikelnya

2.Tekan Ctrl + S

3. Pilih Save

4. Kemudian, buka halaman web yang telah anda simpan tersebut dengan software yang telah saya sebutkan tadi



Selamat mencoba ^^